

Who are some famous curvy women?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Some famous curvy women include Christina Henricks, Marilyn Monroe, and Beyonce. Other women known for their curves include Sophie Loren and Tyra Banks.

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Some men don't like curvy women because it is their preference to have. Just as some men don't like thinner women and would rather date anyone but women with their shape and figure, they same is for curvy women and all a matter of preference.

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It is entirely a matter of preference. Many men prefer thinner women; many men prefer curvy women.

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muscle for men and curvy for women pworr with being a guy i love the toned curvy women they are the fittest' sexist and hottest women on the planet ever no other woman can touch them muscle women Bah no way but curvy pworr.

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Many people have there own definitions to words. Mostly this is a stereotype. As a curvy women you can correct them.

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that's not the question the question is who doesn't like curvy woman

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women who are are curvy or who are tall, but women who are petite and curvy or thin, cannot pull them off as well because it swallows up their figure.

Which is more beautiful and attractive to guys?

It all depends on the guy. Some guys like very curvy women. And some like skinny girls. Hope that helped.

Why do people dislike curvy girls?

It's all about preferences. Some people like curvy, some people like skinny, some people like fat, etc. and most people actually like curvy girls.

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Look at this painting by Rubens. It features what ideal of beauty for women of the time?

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