

Who are some well known saints?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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15y ago

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Peter, Paul, Mary, Christopher, John, Joseph, Michael.

Roman Catholic AnswerThere are three categories of saints who are "famous", if you will. The first would be the saints of The Bible: John the Baptist, the Apostles, St. Stephen the first martyr, etc. The second would be founders of religious orders like St. Benedict, St. Dominic, St. Francis, St. Ignatius, St. Augustine. The third would be "popular" saints due to one thing or another: for instance, St. Theresa of Lisieux, "the Little Flower" became very famous when she was canonized, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, who was recently beatified is already famous because she lived in our time and was famous before she died.
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13y ago
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10y ago

St. Thomas Becket or St. Thomas More.

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Actually, although there are thousands of equally good saints, the Blessed Virgin Mary has to top the list.

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13y ago

most likely(saints being many),his closest personal friends, followers and disciples were the forerunners of the most famed and well remembered; still, Saints Mary and Joseph may tie for the most well known, and St. Joseph may bow out graciously to the one whom even heaven calls "full of grace". Mary, the Mother of Life, is certainly most widely known.

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12y ago

Saints are generally famous for dying the death of a 'matyr' - dying for their cause. There are generally many tales involving miracles and deeds attached to the legends, such as St. Geroge and the slaying of a Dragon.

Roman Catholic AnswerSaints are famous for following Our Blessed Lord, and loving God above all, and their neighbor as themselves. They are usually famous for their mortifications, as well.
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11y ago

St. Mary the Mother of God followed by St. Joseph the foster Father of Jesus.

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9y ago

Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, the twelve apostles, John the Baptist, Therese of Lisieux, Teresa of Avila, Francis of Assisi, Anthony of Padua and many more.

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st david st george

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Mary, mother of God.

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joe horn

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