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James Hutton and Charles Lyell were the two scientists that helped Darwin recognize how old the Earth is.

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What species did Darwin observe on the Galapagos Islands?

Darwin observed a variety of species on the Galapagos Islands, including finches, tortoises, and mockingbirds. These observations were instrumental in his development of the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Why was Darwin called the ape man?

Darwin was not called the "ape man". However, he is known for his work on the theory of evolution, which suggests that humans and apes share a common ancestor. This concept has led some people to mistakenly associate Darwin with being an "ape man".

What animals did Darwin did discover?

tortiose and finch.(Galapagos Islands

What date was it when Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution?

The two papers of Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace dealing with this subject were read to the Linnean Society on July 1, 1858. This was the first and most complete theory of evolution by natural selection that the world heard of, though there were minor differences between Darwin's and Wallace's theory. ( there were others who had parts of the theory correctly elucidated, but they were not complete in their presentations, or they only had passing acquaintance with this subject ) On November 22, 1859 Darwin published ' On The Origin Of Species By Means Of Natural Selection, Or The Preservation Of Favored Races In The Struggle For Life '

What bird did Charles Darwin see with adapted beaks to eating different foods?

Charles Darwin observed finches on the Galápagos Islands with adapted beaks for different diets, which contributed to his understanding of natural selection and evolution. These finches had beak shapes that were suited to feeding on different types of food, such as seeds, insects, or cactus flowers.

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Why some Scientists disagree with Charles Darwin's work?

Some scientists may disagree with Charles Darwin's work due to religious or philosophical beliefs that conflict with evolutionary theory. Others may have alternative hypotheses or interpretations of the evidence that lead them to reject certain aspects of Darwin's ideas. The nature of science is to continually question and refine knowledge, so it is not uncommon for scientists to have differing viewpoints on certain theories.

What is the name of the greatest scientist in the world?

There is no singular "greatest" scientist as different scientists have made significant contributions in various fields. Some well-known scientists include Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, and Charles Darwin, among others.

What species did Darwin observe on the Galapagos's island?

Finches, amomg others...

Who proposed that the human expression of emotion is innate and has survival value?

Charles Darwin proposed that the human expression of emotion is innate and has survival value. He suggested that emotional expressions help us communicate our intentions, needs, and feelings to others, enhancing social bonds and increasing our chances of survival.

What do scientists do to receive suggestion and criticism of their research from others scientists?

conduct peer reviews

What do scientists do to receive suggestions and criticism of their research from others scientists?

conduct peer reviews

How has Charles Darwin's discovery helped us?

Charles Darwin's discovery of natural selection and evolution by means of natural selection revolutionized our understanding of the diversity of life on Earth. It laid the foundation for modern biology and has improved our knowledge of how species adapt to their environments over time. Darwin's work continues to inspire research in genetics, ecology, and conservation biology.

How do people use fear to influence others today?

they use it by making others believe and to recognize their fear

How do you get rid of shame when you want to talk with others who do not recognize them?

Just be yourself.

What does it mean to be an UNKNOWN alcoholic?

Others don't recognize that the individual is alcoholic.

What do scientists do to ensure that the work of others is accurate?

Scientists ensure the accuracy of others' work by peer reviewing publications, replicating experiments, and sharing data for verification. They also attend conferences and collaborate with others in the field to discuss and validate findings. Additionally, scientists maintain transparency in their methodologies and results to allow for scrutiny and validation by others.

Why do scientists develop theories?

so they can teach others