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David Ben Gurion. He had the courage to stand against the US President Truman and against the opinion of the leaders of all the European countries who thought Israel should have the status of cultural autonomy and were against the creation of the Jewish State. But David Ben Gurion decided to proclaim Israel´s independence in spite of all this.

Without Ben Gurion´s courage, Israel would never be an independent State.

Golda Meir. She did not dare to disobey American orders and deliver the preemptive strike in 1973 Yom Kippur war. It cost Israel thousands of lives. But when she saw the consequences of her decision, she had the guts to order the nuclear alert and 13 Israeli bombers were loaded with nuclear bombs, after which she put it bluntly to American leaders: either we get the weapons and equipment you promised to us immediately or we shall convert Egypt in a big black slightly smoking parking lot. Americans retreated-and sent the weapons.

Unfortunately, after her, in my opinion, Israel was not lucky with leaders. Rabin, Peretz, Netanyahu, Sharon, Barac, again Netanyahu... Nothing interesting, just politicians fighting for power and caring very little about their country and their people.

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