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There are lots, but David is probably the ultimate example.

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Q: Who are the biblical characters who sinned against God but who acknowledged their sin?
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Who are the biblical characters who had sinned against god but who acknowledged their sin and returned to gad?

Some: king David, king Manassiah, prophet Johna, apostle Peter

Who are the biblical characters who sinned against god?

All men and women have sinned and we have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), except for Christ Jesus (1 Peter 2:22).

Which Shakesperean character was more sinned against than sinning?

King Lear says "I am a man more sinned against than sinning" in Act 3 Scene 2 of King Lear.

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What did the puritans do for people who sinned against the 10 commandments?

Force them to watch Justin Bieber

Who said 'You are a man more sinned against than sinning'?

Shakespear, King Lear to precise.

How did the lord dealt with the angels that sinned?

According to Christian theology, the Lord cast the angels that sinned into darkness and bound them in chains until the judgment day. This punishment is often associated with the fallen angel Lucifer or Satan and his followers who rebelled against God.

Why is it not clear that Adam and Eve would have lived forever if they had not sinned against God?

Because they're naughty.

How had zacchaeus sinned?

he sinned by

How would a falling angel be described?

Biblical commentators often describe a falling angel as a wicked or rebellious angel. They are often used to describe angels who have sinned and lost their place in heaven as a result.

What does you are a man more sinned against than sinning mean?

It means that other people do evil to you more than you do evil yourself.

Why does friar Lawrence think romeo has sinned?

Friar Lawrence believes Romeo has sinned because Romeo hastily switched his affections from Rosaline to Juliet, marrying her impulsively. This goes against conventional morality and the Friar is concerned about the consequences of such reckless behavior.