

Who are the characters in The Hobbits?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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The main character is named Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit from The Shire, who is also in The Lord of the Rings books. There are the dwarves that go with him on his adventure. The leader is Gandalf the Wizard, but he later leaves the group and leaves Thorin, the most important dwarf, in charge. Then there is Balin, who is also mentioned in The Lord of the Rings, and is said to like Bilbo the most. Beorn, a "skin changer," who can take shape of a bear, also plays an important part in helping Bilbo, Gandalf, and the dwarves.

Here is a complete list of named characters in the book-

- Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit.

- Bungo Baggins, Bilbo's Father

-Belladonna Took, Bilbo's Mother

-The Old Took, Bilbo's Grandmother

-Chubb, Chubb, and Burrowes, Auctioneers managing Bilbo's effects

- The Sackville-Bagginses, Bilbo's cousins

- Bullroarer Took- mentioned as Bilbo's Great Great Grand Uncle

- Gandalf, a wizard. (Maia).

-Radagast- Gandalf's Cousin. Also a wizard

Thorin's company was composed of the following-

- Fili and Kili- Thorin's nephews

- Balin, Dwalin, Oin, and Gloin- Thorin's 3rd cousins

- Ori, Dori, and Nori- 3 brothers

- Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur- all 3 were related to each other. These were the only dwarves not from Thorin's line.

- Elrond- Lord of Rivendell

- The Elvenking- Lord of the Mirkwood Elves

- Galion- butler of the Elvenking's halls

- Bard- An archer of Laketown who slew Smaug

- Beorn- The "Skin Changer"

- The Master of Laketown- Wealthy Politican

- Tom, Bert, and William- Trolls who captured part of Thorin's company.

- Gollum- A degenerate hobbit who lives alone under the Misty Mountains.

- The Necromancer- A shadowy evil charactor

- Smaug- The great dragon of the Lonely Mountain

- The Lord of the Eagles-

- Carc- a raven

- Roac- Son of Carc

- The Great Goblin- Whose kingdom lay under the under the Misty Mountains.

- Golfimbul- leader of the Goblins of Mount Gram

- Bolg- succeeded the Great Goblin

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The main characters are Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, and the 13 dwarfs.

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