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Q: Who are the enemies of the elves?
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Who are the enemies of the elves in the hobbit?

One of biblo's enemies was the elf king, Thranduil.

Are blood elves real?

Blood Elves only exist in the World of War Craft gaming world. In this world they are direct descendants of high elves. They often make enemies due to their arrogance.

Are the elves nice in The Hobbit?

Yes, the elves are very nice! They are a bit silly though, and not nearly as serious as the elves are in 'The Lord of the Rings.' The elves were not nice. They were isolationists who mistrusted everyone else. Mirkwood was full of enemies. Look how they treated the dwarves, not nice at all, me precious.

What are the Taurens enemies in World of Warcraft?

A Tauren's enemy in WoW is anyone of the opposing faction-such as Night Elves, Humans, Dwarfs, Gnomes, and basically any character on the Alliance. Also story wise their enemies were the centaur.

What types of elves are there?

Wood elves, high elves, dark elves, light elves.

Are elves on shelves real?

Elves on Shelves are not real elves. They are elves that you place on a shelf to help kids get excited about Christmas.

What is the plural possessive of elves?

The plural form of the noun elf is elves.

Santa’s helpers?

Reindeer and Elves.

Why are elves tiny?

The elves of Ireland folklore or German folklore were tall. Santa's elves in folklore are small. In reality there are no elves.

Is there medicine for elves?

There is no medicine for elves because elves do not exist. Maybe they do lala land but not in reality. If anyone tells you that elves are real don't believe them because elves do not exist.

How big are elves?

There are no such things as elves.

What is the collective nouns for elves?

There is no specific collective noun for elves, in which case a noun suitable for the situation can be used, for example, a party of elves, a crew of elves, a staff of elves, etc.