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Q: Who are the house Wren's predators?
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Related questions

Do cactus wrens live in the desert?

Cactus wrens usually nest in the cholla cactus. This very spiny cactus provides protection for their eggs and young from predators such as snakes.

Are winter wrens producers?

Yes. They eat lots of bugs and spiders, helping to control these populations, and drop a little fertilizer as they go. These birds also provide food to a wide range of predators, including other winter wrens who sometimes raid nests.

Do house wrens lay little blue eggs?

White eggs thickly speckled with brown

What sound do wrens make?

wrens warble

What two birds do the bluebirds have to compete with?

Generally house sparrows and house wrens. Both are cavity nesters and will compete with bluebirds for nesting spots.

Where do house wrens sleep at night?

I have two house wrens who sleep on a ledge under our deck every night. They turn their faces to the wall & their little tails hang over the edge. Very cute. I've seen pictures of other wrens doing the same. I've also read about them finding warmer places to snuggle like the pockets of clothes that are hanging outside, haystacks, etc.

What are the predators of the Eastern bluebird?

The eastern bluebirds has many natural enemies like snakes, falcon, cats and other predators. And the eggs can be eaten by jays and snakes and raccoons.

Do wrens like watermelon?

Wrens are naturally completely insectivorous.

What are wrens?

Wrens are a type of bird. Wrens can also refer to members of the former Women's Royal Navy Service. It is also a surname.

What is a group of wrens called?

A group of wrens is called a flock or herd

What kind of bird would remove baby birds from a nest before they even get feathers?

It is very common for House Wrens to remove baby birds of other species from their nest before they get too heavy for them to pick up. Usually after about 4-7 days of development, the babies are safe from a House Wren due to their weight. House Wrens will often Take out the babies and drop them to the ground, and then either build their own nest or simply disappear. House Wrens however are a protected species and therefore they and their eggs/babies cannot legally be harmed.

What does WRENS stand for?

Wrens was the unofficial name for the WRNS, The Womens Royal Navy Service.