

Who are the patients of a pediatrician?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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17y ago

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Children, of course. up to the age of 18, older for special needs children.

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Q: Who are the patients of a pediatrician?
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What is the name of a doctor that only has children as patients?

A Pediatrician. They're Childrens docters.

What are the perks and hazards of being a pediatrician?

The only hazard of being a pediatrician is that you risk getting the contagious illnesses that your patients have. Some of the perks include getting to help people, making patients feel better, and saving lives.

Do you have to learn spanish to become a pediatrician?

Only if you want to treat Spanish speaking patients.

How much money should you expect as a pediatrician?

Pediatricians often work long hours, as they see patients both in their offices and in the hospital. The average yearly earnings of a pediatrician is around $135,000.

Do pediatricians have sick leave?

If a pediatrician works for a hospital then yes they have sick leave, but they need to call in so that another pediatrician can see their patients. If a pediatrician is in private practice, they don't usually have sick leave, but can try to call another pediatrician to see their patients for them. If they can get someone to cover them, then they can take off, if not, then they have to come in.

What can you expect as a new pediatrician?

You can basically expect to have not as much patients as those who are already having a headstart with their careers. You need more experience and more leverage in order to gain more patients.

Can you get attached to clients if your a pediatrician?

Read the regulations of HIPPA... doctors and patients have an un-said contract having to do with a professional relationship.

Do you have to speak a certain language to be a pediatrician?

To be a pediatrician in China, you would have to speak Mandarin Chinese. The local dialect of where you plan to practice medicine would also be helpful.

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"The company was founded by Avraham Kadar, M.D., an immunologist and pediatrician, to explain medical concepts to his young patients using animation" -Wikipedia

What is a pediatrican's environment like?

Being a pediatrician can be challenging. They typically work more than 40 hours a week and spend their time in between their office and the hospital. A pediatrician is frequently exposed to contagious illnesses and also has the stress of dealing with highly emotional patients and their families.

What does a typical day for a pediatrician look like?

A most typical day for a pediatrician is when a under achool age child is getting his or her health check and turns out to be sick of cancer or short time of life and delivering a baby that doesnt make it, and the pediatricain has to tell the family the bad news and have to see all there faces drop............that would be a most typical day which id say every day

What are the best aspects of a pediatrician?

The best aspect about pediatrician's is the way you feel when you just helped someone and that you can go to sleep at night and don't gotta worrie about how you didn't help that poor child that is the best aspect about pediatricians