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At the bottom of the social pyramids peasants and slaves are at the bottom.

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Q: Who are the people of the bottom layer of the social pyramid?
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How many layer's does Djoser step pyramid have?

It has 4 layers

What was placed on the top of the Egyptian pyramid?

What is placed on the top is a peace of stone in the shape of a smaller pyramid with a thin layer of gold on the peace this peace is called the alabaster.

Suppose you are an ancient Egyptian stone worker the queen has hired you to make a?

suppose you are an ancient Egyptian stone worker. the queen has hired you to make a pyramid. she will give you 140 blocks of stone. the queen shows u a model using 14 blocks. the model is 3 blocks high. facts: the top layer has 1 block, the second layer has 4 blocks and the third layer layer has 9 blocks. you will be able to use all the blocks if you follow the queens model. Look for the pattern. after awhile the pattern becomes clear. many layers does your finished pyramid have? 2. how many blocks did you use for each layer? 3. describe the pattern 4. could you make another pyramid with 200 blocks following the same pattern?

How did Egyptions build pyramids?

The most accepted theory as how the Egyptians built the Pyramids is that they cut big limestone blocks with copper chisels and saws. Many men dragged them to the pyramid site and pushed the first layer of stones into place. Next, they built long ramps of earth and brick to drag up the next layer of stones. They continued this process until they made it to the top, finishing off the Pyramid.

What was the special stone on top of the pyramid made of?

The cap stone or pyramidion was usually made from granite. It was either polished and inscribed or covered in a layer of gold.

Related questions

The people on the bottom layer of the social pyramid?

the lower class

What is the second layer in the social pyramid?

High priests and more people

How does the social pyramid go?

A social pyramid is a model of social people. The people with whom an individual has the least amount of social intimacy are placed at the foundation of the pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is the individual. And on each subsequent layer going down, the individual has less and less intimacy. For example, the person you interacted with while in line at the grocery store is at the base of your pyramid, but your spouse or lover would be very close to the top. It has been said that the what one brings to one's [social network] is what one creates with one's social pyramid.

What is the bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers and its top layers represent consumers called?

The bottom layer of pyramid that represents ecosystem producers is the ecological pyramids. The top layers represent consumers. In the energy pyramid the bottom levels have more energy than the top levels.

Where is the milk group on the pyramid?

its on the 4th layer on the food pyramid bread is bottom fruit veg 2nd milk meat 3rd oil 5th

Which part on the energy pyramid has the highest amount of energy?

At the bottom. The amount of energy being passed on decreases as the pyramid goes up. For example, if the pyramid had 5 flowers on the bottom, 3 rabbits in the middle, and a hawk on top, the most energy would be with the flowers, and least passed on to the hawk.

How many oranges in total would there be in a Pyramid if the base of the Pyramid has 36 oranges and the top of the Pyramid has 1 Orange?

The answer depends on the configuration. If, for example, the bottom layer comprises 6 rows and six columns in a square layout, then the layer above will contain 5*5 = 25 oranges. However, if the bottom layer is in the form of 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1 oranges - with three oranges touching one another, then the layer above will contain 30 oranges.

Is the mantle the bottom layer?

no the mantle is not the bottom layer

How the upper layer of the atmosphere differ from bottom layer?

The upper layer is different from the bottom layer because the bottom layer has more gualities to a living thing than the upper layer.

How the upper layers of the atmosphere differ from the bottom layer?

The upper layer is different from the bottom layer because the bottom layer has more gualities to a living thing than the upper layer.

Is the bottom layer of the atmosphere?

The bottom layer of the atmosphere is called the troposphere.

Is the bottom layer the oldest layer?

no, the "your mom" layer is.