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Q: Who are the present day totalitarian leaders?
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How are totalitarian leaders put in power?


Who are the present day leaders in Arizona?

John McCann

What is true of totalitarian government?

Leaders have total control.

Which countries is an example of a present-day totalitarian regime?

Which following countries? North Korea would be one at random.

What year did totalitarian leaders take control of Italy?


What countries were considered totalitarian and who were their respective leaders?

China, Russia, Syria

Which leaders do people usually associate with a totalitarian type of government?


Who are 3 present day leaders?

Margret Thatcher, barrack Obama and queen Elizabeth II are three good leaders

Why do totalitarian leaders not allow organized religion in their countries?

Just saying hi

In a totalitarian form of government the leaders are elected but the people can vote for only one party in this case the power is?

centered in the leaders and not in the people.

A form of government in which the leaders control every part of society?

A totalitarian government controls all aspects of the society, usually led by a dictator.

What are the leaders of China called?

They have a totalitarian form of government with a neoliberal "open" market.