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mitchell creech

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Q: Who are the scientist involve in the atomic theory?
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What theory did scientist Rutherford create?

The Atomic Theory

Did scientist help in development of atomic theory?

They didn't help with atomic theory, they created it.

What nineteenth century scientist designed the atomic theory of matter?

The scientist that designed the atomic theory is Thomas Jefferson.

Which scientist laid the foundation for atomic theory?

John Dalton

Which scientist is best know for his atomic theory?

Probably Neils Bohr

What English scientist published the atomic theory?

J.J Thomoson was the one that published it

What is changed through history as scientist learned more about atoms?

Atomic Theory

What was the name of the scientist that first postulated the theory of atomic structure?

John Dalton.. :))

What french scientist was involved in the wave nature of particles and helped lead to the presentday theory of the atomic structure?

Louis de Broglie was a French scientist who's hypothesis helped the present day theory of the atomic sturcture and won himself the Nobel Prize of Physics.

What would cause scientist's to change or replace the modern atomic theory?

new technology

Was Einstein an atomic scientist?

Einstein was an atomic scientist inasmuch as he advanced the field of atom theory. His paper on "Brownian Motion" was one of the first to describe the free flowing motion of atoms in space. This question suffers from a question of intent. The short and long of it is yes, Einstein was a research theorthetical atomic scientist.

Was Albert Einstein an atomic scientist?

Einstein was an atomic scientist inasmuch as he advanced the field of atom theory. His paper on "Brownian Motion" was one of the first to describe the free flowing motion of atoms in space. This question suffers from a question of intent. The short and long of it is yes, Einstein was a research theorthetical atomic scientist.