

Which scientist is best know for his atomic theory?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Probably Neils Bohr

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Q: Which scientist is best know for his atomic theory?
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That was part of his atomic theory. We know now that that part of his atomic theory was incorrect.

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I'm sorry, I don't know what that means. Maybe this: Atomic theory is a theory that matter is made up of small particles called atoms

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I dont know how on the atomic model... but i know that Thales Milutus began the theory. As the greek philosipher Democritus followed up on the idea.

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People should know about John Dalton because he invented the modern atomic theory.

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Don't know can you help me please

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A Nuclear Physicist or Researcher or Technician would be scientists who know that.

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Schledin, Schwann, and Virchow. I do not know their first names so you will have to look them up.

Why is John Dalton's atomic theory still mentioned in science?

Scientists use Dalton's atomic theory even though parts of it have been proven wrong as the basis of other discoveries. His theory about atomic elements being the same was wrong but has been used for a long time even to the discovery of isotopes.