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Q: Who are the spice bearer in the bible?
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An armour bearer is a person who carries armour for another person.

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Answer: Nehemiah was a cup bearer to King Artaxerxes. This is recorded in Nehemiah 2:1.

What text does the Bible mention Paul and Judas as armour bearers?

Armour bearer is used only 18 times in the Bible and they are all in the Old Testament.

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What are the names of the armor bearers in the bible?

The names of most armor-bearers are not given.David was armor-bearer for Saul.Na′ha·rai was armor-bearer of Jo′ab.And that's the only names provided.

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pall bearer

Where does it say in the Bible to follow the water bearer?

There is no direct mention in the Bible to specifically follow the water bearer. The phrase "water bearer" may be referring to the sign of Aquarius. In terms of faith and guidance, Christians believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ as outlined in the New Testament.

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A cone bearer is a cone that bears

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What means pore bearer

What is armor bearer in the black church?

It's foolishness that's based on pride.Before a person became a pastor he/she carried their own bible.Then they become a pastor and the bible all of a sudden is to heavy to carry.So the pastor needs an armor bearer to dowhat he/she now thinks he/she is to important to! Pride!