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Supporting characters are the characters that are not focused on in the narrative. Supporting characters in "Twilight" include Jacob's werewolf pack members, Bella's school friends, teachers, and the extended Cullen family. Leah Clearwater, Tanya, Emily Young, and Coach Clapp are included in the list of supporting characters.

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Q: Who are the supporting characters in Twilight?
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Who are the supporting characters for book twilight?

Well, there are the other Cullens, Jacob Black, Bella's friends, Charlie, any one you can think of.

When was Supporting Characters created?

Supporting Characters was created in 2012.

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There were 72 characters mentioned in Twilight.

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The Production Budget for Supporting Characters was $60,000.

When was Supporting Characters released?

Supporting Characters was released on 01/25/2013.

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Supporting Characters grossed $4,917 worldwide.

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Supporting characters or secondary characters.

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Supporting Characters grossed $4,917 in the domestic market.

Ingredents of characters in twilight?

i dont know what you mean by ingredients of twilight characters. please explain the question, so that i can answer it i am a HUGE twilight freak!!!!!!!

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Important characters in Twilight are important because they hold a significance to the novel

Will all the original characters be in all The Twilight Saga movies?

Yes the original characters will be in the Twilight saga movies and there will be more characters in the new movies.

What are the characters in Twilight?

Bella Cullen and Edward are the main characters.