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Q: Who are the two men to whom the king of England gave New Jersey?
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Sorry, old bean, but there was never was a King Ortha of England. Could you mean King Offa of Mercia (774-796) whom later (forged) documents described as King of England.

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king Charles gave carolana to William Penn i don't no why but he just did

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Parliament (both Whigs and Tories) and King James II of England

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Aeolus, the king of the winds, gave Odysseus a bag containing all of the unfavorable winds in the Odyssey.

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Jamestown named for King James I of England. Founded in 1607 I think

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The state of Georgia was named after King George, who ruled England when Georgia was colonized.

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Excaliber was the famous sword the lady of the lake gave king Arthur who used it in many battles

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King George III. At the time, he was the King of England, and all the acts of oppression from Britain on the American colonies seemed to come from him.

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Edward 8th, who abdicated the throne so that he could marry Wallis Simpson, whom he loved, but was considered unsuitable to be queen.