

Who are the users of instant messaging?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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you dont have to download it. just go to chat rooms

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Q: Who are the users of instant messaging?
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What do you mean by online messaging?

Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.

What do you mean by online?

Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.Sending messages to other users using programmes like Windows Messenger or other instant messaging programs.

What is a real time communication service that notify users when one or more people are online and then allow them to exchange messages or files or join a private chat-room?

Instant Messaging

What is better IRC or instant messaging?

instant messaging.

What is the status message feature that is offered by most instant messaging services?

Most instant messaging services offer an away message, which lets other users know what you are up to. This was the precursor to the tweet or Facebook status.

Highlight the difference between newsgroup and instant messaging?

Newsgroups are online discussion forums where users can post messages on specific topics for others to read and respond to at their convenience. Instant messaging is a real-time communication tool that allows users to send and receive messages instantly, typically through a chat interface. Newsgroups are more public and asynchronous, while instant messaging is private and synchronous.

Difference between instant messaging and text messaging?

Text messaging is on your ohone while instant messaging is in your computer (AIM)

Does yahoocom have instant messaging?

yes yahoo does have instant messaging err ok

When was Instant Messenger created?

Instant messaging was introduced in the early 1990's. Basically chat rooms hosted on a web server, so everyone would see what everyone else says. ICQ was introduced in 1996 and made instant messaging extremely popular among Internet users. AOL bought the software of Instant Messaging from James Crawford, and from there created AIM. James Crawford also wrote the software for Search Engines. Please subscribe to my You Tube channel:

Is instant messaging the same as IP messaging?


What do you think of instant messaging?

Instant messaging is one of the best and greatest form of communicating with people.

What is the name and what type of instant messaging does apple put on Iphones And how does the fee calculated?

The name of the Apple's instant messaging is iMessage. The Apple users can only use this type of instant messaging on iPhone Platform with IOS 6. The fee of iMessage is calculated by the data plan. If the messages are sent by the Wi-fi, then it doesn't not cost any fee. Otherwise, data rate will apply. And this type of messaging only work between two Iphones.