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Q: Who argued that totemism was the basic beginning of all other more developed forms of religion?
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The psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud argued that religion is?

He considered religion unscientific, and not needed in modern society.

Which Tudor monarch was most successful in bringng about changes to religion?

Its a matter of opinion but as Henry VII cast out Catholicism and established the Church of England It could be argued that a successful change in Religion. The then Pope would have argued that it was unsuccessful though

What is John Locke's view on religion?

Locke developed what became a common view on religious tolerance. He argued that on a practical level, no man can be certain by means of reason what is true and what is not, so having an established religion was contrary to seeking truth. He also argued that even if rulers were certain for themselves that a certain religion was the truth, subjects might disagree, so they would be less than freely willing to obey the ruler, so having an established religion was bad for government. Thirdly, he noted that where religions competed, having one established religion would almost certainly lead to unrest, so having one single established religion was bad for public peace. Thus all religions should be tolerated by government, and none endorsed.

American thinker who argued that religion brought a new vitality to people's lives?

William James (1842-1937)

What wasThomas Hobbes religion of fatih?

Hobbes argued for a distinction between knowledge and faith and suggested that one could not gain a knowledge of God. Thus his religion was Atheism; Agnosticism

What factors can make it hard to join a religion?

Religion is hard to believe in because it is organized by humans that believe that they are better than others because they mumble to what can be argued is a nonexistent being.

Who argued that religion should be worked out between each person and God?

Martin Luther (German Monk, 1483-1546)

Do computer models make business decisions?

It could be argued that computer models are used to make decisions, but it can be further counter-argued that computer models are developed by people and people are the ones who implement recommendations made by computer modeling.

What is an example of the supreme limiting the free exercise of religion?

Whenever the Supreme Court upholds the right of one group to the free exercise of its religion, it could be argued that the Court limits the right of another group that considers the free exercise of its own religion to be to influence the beliefs of others.

What is an example of Supreme Court limiting the free exercise of religion?

Whenever the Supreme Court upholds the right of one group to the free exercise of its religion, it could be argued that the Court limits the right of another group that considers the free exercise of its own religion to be to influence the beliefs of others.

Is it true what functionalist theories may say about religion?

Functionalism suggests that religion provides social cohesion, meaning, and support to individuals and communities. While some may find value in these aspects of religion, it is important to acknowledge that functionalist theories do not account for the diversity of religious beliefs and practices or the potential negative impacts religion can have on society.

Why arent egyptians gods not real?

It is a fact that the ancient Egyptians worshiped gods and goddesses in their religion, but that religion has since all but died out along with Egypt as it was before the Romans. So other modern religions claim that old religion wasn't "real" as it does not exist as it was. But, it can be argued, all religions do not end as they start out as.