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In the story of Romeo and Juliet, the character of Balthasar is Romeos trusted friend and servant. When Romeo approached the tomb to see Juliet, Balthasar was there and tried to stop him from entering.

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Q: Who ask balthasar as he arrives at the tomb?
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What lie does romeo tell Balthasar so that Balthasar will leave him alone at the tomb?

Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to retrieve a ring he left on Juliet's hand, so that Balthasar will leave him alone at the tomb.

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He goes to Verona with his trusty servant Balthasar, who he tells to wait outside the cemetery. He then goes up to the tomb by himself and kills himself not realizing she was faking her death

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Balthasar hides near the tomb even though Romeo told him to go away because he was frightened by the look on Romeo’s face and was scared of what his intentions might be.

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What Romeo threatened to do to Balthazar if he he says with him at the tomb is Romeo will kill him.

What news does balthasar bring romeo?

Balthasar brings Romeo the tidings of Juliet's death, telling his master that he saw her laid in Capel's monument.

What diversion does Romeo give to Balthasar so that he doesn't question what Romeo intends to do?

romeo says that he must retreive a ring from juliet's tomb

What happens minutes before Juliet awakens in the tomb?

"Where is my lord?"

When the prince arrives in the tomb who is found dead and who is arrested?

When the prince arrives at the tomb, he discovers that Juliet is dead. He finds Paris dead as well, as Romeo had killed him. Finally, Friar Laurence is arrested by the authorities for his role in the events leading up to Juliet's apparent death.

What happens when romeo first arrives at juliet's tomb?

Paris tries to put him under citizen's arrest.