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The baptism of water was by John the Baptist, but baptism of Fire by

Lord Maitreya

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John the Baptist.

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Q: Who baptise Jesus?
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Did Jesus father baptise Jesus?

No, John the Baptist did.

God wouldn't do it jesus couldn't do it and a man didn't want to but did it anyway?


When did the baptise religion begin?

I believe with John The Baptist cousin of Jesus.

Where did John the baptise grow up?

As John and Jesus were cousins, it could be Nazareth.

Did Jesus baptise anyone?

In the Bible, Jesus himself did not physically baptize anyone. Instead, his disciples baptized people in his name. Jesus' baptism is recorded in the Gospels, where John the Baptist baptized him in the Jordan River.

What day did john baptise jesus?

That is not recorded in Scripture, so we don't know what day it was.

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Do Sikh baptise?

yes they do baptise.

Can a minister baptise you?

A minister can baptise you.

How did Jesus get John to baptise him?

Jesus Christ walked down to the river Jordan to bathe in the holy water and relieve his sins, John knew of the importance of Jesus and baptised him in the waterAnswer:John recognized Jesus as the one who did not need to repent and be baptised. Rather, John said he needed to be baptised by Jesus (Jesus was sinless). But Jesus insisted that John should baptise Him in order to fulfill all righteousness.

How do you say baptise in spanish?

bautizar (bah-oo-teethARR) = to baptise cristianar (creestee-ahNARR) = to baptise

What does Jesus say about having to be Baptised?

Well, he told the disciples to teach and to baptise all nations, (Matthew 28.19), and I guess that includes you and me!