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Firstly, that evolution occurs at both microscopic and macroscopic levels can be verified. It is a scientifically sound theory, that is a foundation of modern Biology. However, it conflicts with the notion of a Creator, found in many religions, and is therefore antagonized by some.

Secondly, one cannot say with certainty who the first person to conceive the idea of evolution in the field of biology was. There are several prominent scientists and philosophers, and other minor ones, who have proposed variations on such an idea, many of which were just small steps.

One of the first giant leaps toward a coherent theory of evolution was made by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, a French naturalist. Lamarck's theory, however, was lacking several necessary components; Lamarck suggested evolution occurred to match use: if something were to swim a lot, its phalanges would become webbed within several generations.

Probably the most famous figure in the history of the notion of evolution is Charles Robert Darwin, who is often considered the father of modern evolution. He proposed the first verifiable, sensical theory of evolution, described in the volumes of his main published work, On the Origin of Species.

While many think that the modern theory of evolution is the one proposed by Charles Darwin, many modifications have since been made. Darwin had limited resources and information, and lived in a time when people turned to religion for the most plausible explanation of our existence. Since the 19th century, much research has been built upon the foundation laid by Darwin. We can predict, and to some extent, verify the course of evolution from puddles of amino acids to early prokaryotic life to modern eukaryotic life, and the connections between. The modern theory of evolution is much more complete, though it is still, unfortunately, rejected by many, despite overwhelming evidence.

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Was Genetic drift a factor in the diversity and evolution of humans?

False, was.

When did human brains began to increase in size?

because of the evolution, it is a nature process of all beings.

Where did evolution begin?

Evolution began with the first imperfectly replicating organic molecules. By which I mean the chemical precursors to life (something similar to RNA encased in a lipid bilayer). Evolution was around before the first things we would call 'life' by today's standards but was important in life beginning

What will happen to the theory of evolution if evidence is found that proves part of the idea false?

It would probably be superseded by a thesis founded on more credible scientific evidence.

What is Mitt Romney's view on teaching evolution?

Mitt Romney believes that God created the universe, and evolution is the mechanism He used to create humans. Romney believes that science classes should have evolution taught, not creationism or intelligent design. He states that they are perfectly fine in a philosophy, religion, or history classroom. This is his view from 2008. It seems that he has been relatively quiet on this issue since he started running for the Republican nomination.