

Who belonged to the third estate in french society?

Updated: 3/12/2022
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8y ago

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Peasants, merchants, and landowners. Basically, everyone who was not a noble, or part of the clergy. They also were the only ones who paid taxes.

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Rosa Koelpin

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Q: Who belonged to the third estate in french society?
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The French middle class and peasantry belonged to the Estate?

The French middle class belonged to the Third Estate (commoners) while the peasantry also belonged to the Third Estate. The First Estate was made up of the clergy and the Second Estate was made up of the nobility.

What belonged to the third estate of the french society?

The third estate in pre-Revolutionary France was the commoners. This made up the majority of the French population. The first and second estate were the nobility and the clergy, who basically allowed the king whatever he wanted.

The French middle class and peasantry belonged to the?

The French middle class and peasantry belonged to the Third Estate during the French Revolution. The Third Estate was made up of commoners and included the majority of the French population who were not part of the nobility or clergy. Members of the Third Estate faced social and economic challenges that fueled their discontent with the monarchy.

What percentage of France's population was the third estate?

97% of the French population belonged to the third estate.

What belonged to the Third Estate of the French social order.?

Everyone except the Catholic Clergy and the Nobles.

What groups in French society at the beginning of the French Revolution was the largest?

The Third Estate

What percentage of the third estate in the french society was the clegry?

Zero. The Clergy were the FIRST Estate.

Which Estate did the bourgeoisie belong to?

The Third Estate was the estate in which the bourgeoisie belonged to.

How was french society divided hierarchically in the old regime?

the french society in the old regime was divided into three they were the ; *clergy as first estate *nobles as second estate *commoners as third estate

Which estates formed the largest and poorest class in French society?

It was the third estate which is also the commoners.

How did the bourgeoisie and the Third Estate change French society?

They defied the Monarchy and the Clergy and demanded a constitutional government.

What were the percentages of the 3 estates of French Society just before the Revolution?

Just before the French revolution, the 3 estates of French society were the first estate made up of the Clergy, the second estate made up of nobles and the third estate made up of the peasants. During this time, the first estate made up 0.5% of the population, the second estate made up 1.5% and the third estate made up the remaining 98%.