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The Peasant. During the time of the inundation when the fields were flooded and no work was possible, the Pharaoh was able to call upon thousands of peasant farmers for months at a time without disrupting the national economy and without having to provide more than basic subsistence. This system of temporary forced labour or corvée was little more than slavery, supported by a system of harsh punishments designed to deter anyone from deserting.

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Q: Who build the pyramids the Egyptians relied heavily on?
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To build the pyramids the egyptians relied heavily on?


Egyptians relied on what to build pyramids?


What did Egyptians rely on heavily to build pyramids?

1. Limestone, in the case of the Giza pyramids quarried locally 2. Later pyramid builders relied on mud bricks made from an almost inexhaustible supply of Nile mud. 3. Thousands of slaves

To build pyramids the Egyptians relied greatly on?

hard working men it relied nothing on weather excepting when the nile river flooded so they could work on crops

Who did the Egyptians build the pyramids for?

The ancient egyptians build pyramids for the Egyptian pharoahs and kings.

Why the egyptians build pyramids?

The Egyptians built the pyramids as buril places for the pharoahs.

What cultures build pyramids?

the Egyptians did.

What do Egyptians do for amusement?

build pyramids

Where did egyptians build their pyramids?


Did the nephalim build the pyramids?

No. The pyramids were built by real people - the Egyptians.

Who thought of the egyptians pyramids?

King zoser of the third dynasty thought of the pyramids!! :) ^ LIAR

How did the Egyptians build huge pyramids?
