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Q: Who built the worlds first great library and where?
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Who built the great library at Alexandria and in which year?

Your mother

Which dynasty built indias first great empire?

The Mauryan dynasty built India's first great empire.

Who built the worlds first empire and land did that empire include?

Sargon,the akkadian king, built the worlds first empire in 2340 B.C. and it was built over sumer (sumer is spelled with only one m if u add two m u will spell summer the season) and the rest of all Mesopotamia.

What did Isambard Kingdom Brunel do?

He was the first to build a abridge!!! No he was not, think of the Romans! But he was a very great engineer in Victorian times who built 3 great ships and made the Great Western Railway and did most of the work in completing the first tunnel under the Thames. He was the first Engineer in the world to build a Steel Bridge the Roman's only Had Wooden and then Brick Bridges He also built the worlds Biggest ship The SS Brittania and then the First and biggest Ironclad style ship (out of metal) The SS Great Britain.

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The Great pyramid was built first!

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Billy K Moon built the first drum kit in 1687 the great great great great grandfather of Billy Karloff and his wife Ozzy Moon.

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a verse or a stanzaIn

What word is used to describe the worlds strongest nations?

Superpowers, first established by great britain, arguably the worlds first superpower nation in approximately the year 1900.

Who was seen as a threat to the Chinese at the time the great wall was built?

The First One Was Qin Huang Becuase He Was The First Person Who Built The Great Wall Of China

What ways did the great Assyrian library nineveh contribute to the ancient worlds store of knowledge?

The library helped to preserve learning for future generations. Their library was filled with clay tablets full of literature and other works collected from all over empire

Who was the first great engineer who built the pyramid?


Why was the first great egyptians stone monument built?

Why was it