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Q: Who buried the landmines in cambodia?
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What are 3 countries that contain landmines?

Three countries that contain landmines are Afghanistan, Colombia, and Cambodia.

Why does she want to ban the land mines and why are there landmines buried?

She wanted to help children & landmines are still buried from wars!

What are the name of three countries that contain land mines?

Vietnam, Cambodia, and Iraq contain landmines.

What are the names of the countries that have landmines?

Some countries known to have landmines on their territory include Afghanistan, Cambodia, Colombia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These countries have ongoing efforts to clear landmines and reduce the risks they pose to civilians.

What 3 countries contain landmines?

Vietnam. Cambodia Iraq

What are the names of three countries that contain mines?

Vietnam, Cambodia, and Iraq contain landmines.

Which continents are most effected by landmines?

Africa and Asia are the continents most affected by landmines, with countries like Afghanistan, Cambodia, Angola, and Mozambique having some of the highest numbers of landmines. These weapons continue to cause casualties and hinder development in these regions.

How many unexploded land mines in the world?

The Landmine Survivors Network estimates that there are 110 million landmines buried worldwide.

How are landmines used?

Land mines are buried in the ground hidden from the naked eye. When stepped on a pressure sensor sets of an explosion killing or blowing of a limb.

What landmines do the Taliban use?

PMN landmines

What damage do landmines cause?

Landmines are weapons filled with explosives. They are intended to kill or cause severe wounds to people. They can remain dangerous for years after a war is over. Many are buried, and cannot be seen until a person detonates one. They can result in the loss of a foot, leg, your genitals, your eyes or your life.

What are the name of three countries that contain landmines?

Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Iraq contain landmines.