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Well those are the molecular masses of the elements of the Periodic Table, and those elements are both whoever created the molecular masses of the periodic table...which i believe was Mendeleev. I don't remember exactly who it was, so i could be wrong.

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Q: Who came up with 22 grams of carbon and 32 grams of oxygen to form 44 grams of carbon dioxide?
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Where did the first oxygen molecule come from on Earth?

It is unsure were the first oxygen molecule came from came from, but my bet was that it was from the process "Outgassing" in which Water, Carbon Dioxide, and other fluids, were spewed out of volcanoes. The Carbon Dioxide was used by Cyanobacteria, or Stromatolites(sp?),in photosynthesis, thus producing oxygen.

Can fossil fuels contain energy that came from the sun?

Yes it does. The Sun's energy is used to drive photosynthesis in plants. Carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere by green plants, and the energy is used to separate carbon and oxygen atoms from the carbon dioxide, a process which absorbs energy. The plant uses the carbon to build tissues like leaves, stem etc., and most of the oxygen is released into the air. This process originally made mammal life possible. Millions of years later those plants have decomposed and fossilised, and formed oil underground, which is brought up and used as fuel. The carbon in the fuel and oxygen from the atmosphere are recombined by burning the fuel. Re-forming the carbon-oxygen atomic bonds releases the stored energy as heat and generates carbon dioxide. The heat drives an engine and the carbon dioxide is released in the exhaust gases. This is what happens when carbon fuel such as coal, oil and gas are used as fuel.

Which came first oxygen or carbon?

Carbon came first. Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe and is formed in the core of stars through nuclear fusion reactions. Oxygen, on the other hand, is also formed in stars but typically in later stages of stellar evolution.

How is carbon monoxide converted into carbon dioxide in a catalytic converter?

Carbon monoxide is very inflammable, so you simply set light to it. It then takes up another oxygen atom and forms the stable molecule CO2. By the way, in the UK before the days of North Sea gas, the gas distributed to homes came from gasworks which used coal to produce it. It was known as town gas and was almost entirely CO. Being very poisonous people would commit suicide by putting their heads into an unlit gas oven. The gas companies used to put something into the gas to make it smell to warn people in case there was a gas leak.

What human activities do not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

Riding a bicycle is carbon neutral, which means it has no carbon footprint. It does not increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.Many other human activities, particularly sports and exercise are carbon neutral. But whenever you turn on some electrical gadget or ride in a fossil fueled vehicle you start increasing the carbon dioxide in the air.

Related questions

Where did the first oxygen molecule come from on Earth?

It is unsure were the first oxygen molecule came from came from, but my bet was that it was from the process "Outgassing" in which Water, Carbon Dioxide, and other fluids, were spewed out of volcanoes. The Carbon Dioxide was used by Cyanobacteria, or Stromatolites(sp?),in photosynthesis, thus producing oxygen.

Why carbon dioxide is filled in cold drinks not oxygen?

carbon dioxide gives brisk effervescence in chemical reaction. It looks good when it came out from the bottle whereas oxygen has not such effect however when oxygen came in contact with cold drink content it brings about oxidation which gives bad taste to drink.

Why do the totals of carbon dioxide and oxygen not change?

The total mass of carbon dioxide and oxygen does not change during photosynthesis and respiration because the atoms are conserved. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is converted into glucose with the release of oxygen. During respiration, glucose is broken down to release carbon dioxide and produce energy with the uptake of oxygen. The overall balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere remains relatively constant due to these interconnected processes.

How are oxygen and carbon dioxide important to plants and animals?

because if we do not have the oxygen and carbon dioxide we cannot live to this environment it is important because it is our body needs and for the circulation of our breaths through our hearts and lungs

What planet is the planet of oxygen?

The Earth is the only planet with a large quantity of free oxygen, which came about because of plant life, which uses carbon dioxide and energy from the Sun to manufacture carbon for plant tissues, giving out oxygen as a waste product. About 21% of the Earth's atmosphere is oxygen.

Would life be possible if air contained only oxygen?

Life would not be possible with only oxygen, because plants need carbon dioxide. Animals need oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide, this is used by the plants in photosynthesis and the oxygen leaves the plant. All oxygen breathing organisms then use this oxygen and the cycle repeats itself. A dude looking for Answers and came upon your question

What are some gases that are drawn into the lungs in addition to oxygen?

Carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen and practicly all the kinds of gases found in the atmosphere, but only oxygen is used, the rest go out the way they came in.

What kind of gas came out of the Mount St. Helens when it erupted?

sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide

Where the energy in wood originally comes from?

The wood is made of organic carbon compounds produced when the tree grew, using carbon from the carbon dioxide CO2 in the atmosphere and energy from the Sun's light to split the carbon from the oxygen. When the wood is burnt the carbon is recombined with more oxygen from the atmosphere to produce more CO2, and the original energy which came from the Sun is then released as heat.

Can fossil fuels contain energy that came from the sun?

Yes it does. The Sun's energy is used to drive photosynthesis in plants. Carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere by green plants, and the energy is used to separate carbon and oxygen atoms from the carbon dioxide, a process which absorbs energy. The plant uses the carbon to build tissues like leaves, stem etc., and most of the oxygen is released into the air. This process originally made mammal life possible. Millions of years later those plants have decomposed and fossilised, and formed oil underground, which is brought up and used as fuel. The carbon in the fuel and oxygen from the atmosphere are recombined by burning the fuel. Re-forming the carbon-oxygen atomic bonds releases the stored energy as heat and generates carbon dioxide. The heat drives an engine and the carbon dioxide is released in the exhaust gases. This is what happens when carbon fuel such as coal, oil and gas are used as fuel.

Which came first oxygen or carbon?

Carbon came first. Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe and is formed in the core of stars through nuclear fusion reactions. Oxygen, on the other hand, is also formed in stars but typically in later stages of stellar evolution.

Where do raw materials come from in plants?

The raw materials plants need to build sugar molecules are carbon dioxide, water, and light. The carbon dioxide came from the air, the water came through the xylem tubes from the roots, and the light came from the sunlight. Hope I helped a little!! =D