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Q: Who came up with scientific name for loch ness monster?
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What is the scientific name for the loch ness monster?

The scientific name for the Loch Ness monster is not real, as the creature is considered to be a myth or legend. There is no scientific evidence to support its existence.

What does nessiteras rhombopteryx mean?

It is the scientific name for the Loch Ness Monster.

What is the name given to the monster said to live in Loch Ness?

the loch ness monster or nesse

Were did name the lock ness monster come from?

The Loch Ness Monster reportedly lives in Loch Ness (Loch is a Gaelic word for lake) in Scotland. Basically its name just means the monster that lives in Loch Ness.

Why did they name the Loch Ness monster the Loch Ness monster?

Loch Ness means Lake Ness in Scottish Gaelic. So the creature rumored to live in the lake is called the Loch Ness Monster.

Who or what is nessiteras rhombopteryx?

Nessiteras rhombopteryx is scientific name for monster of Loch Ness, named by the naturalist Peter Scott in 1975.

Where is the loch ness monster from?

If Nessie exists then as Nessie is a short name for 'The Loch Ness Monster' you would allegedly find it living in Loch Ness.

What is the name of the Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster?

That would be Loch Ness - there is "reported" to be a monster there it has never been proved, despite many searches over the years.

How did the Loch Ness Monster get the name Nessie?

because in this day and age people like slang. Do you want to go around saying loch ness monster, loch ness monster?

Why did they nickname the loch ness monster Nessie?

The Ness in the name Loch Ness Monster has just turned into the endearing term "Nessie".

What is another name for Nessie?

the Loch Ness Monster

What is the geological name for Nessie?

The Loch Ness monster.