

Who can kill a giraffe?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No one can actually kill a giraffe under the law, unless you are a vet and you have to put the giraffe down.

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Q: Who can kill a giraffe?
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No, foxes are way too small to kill a giraffe.

Can an elephant cill a giraffe?

Yes and elephant can kill a giraffe. The number one way an elephant can kill a giraffe is with its tusks. Elephants tusks are known for being the number one way elephants kill. The second is trampling over something.

Can a lion kill a giraffe?

no their instinct stops them

Is the giraffe near extinction?

beacuse humans kill them

What moves does a lion do to hunt and kill a giraffe?

They mostly go in groups to hunt big animals like giraffe .

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Is it legal to kill a giraffe?

No, it is not legal to kill any animal unless hunting with a proper lisence. There is also no need to kill giraffes.

Why are lions and humans giraffe's enemies?

1. Lions kill/eat giraffes. 2. People kill/imprison giraffes. you do the math.

What enemies does giraffe have?

Lions, leopards, and hyenas are the main enemy of the giraffe, although they usually attack the baby giraffes and not the full grown giraffe. But occasionally they attempt to kill an adult giraffe. A giraffe defends their baby by using their powerful legs front and back. A kick from a giraffe can kill a lion or human. Sometimes the male giraffes use their heads as weapons. Their heads can break bones and catapult the unlucky predator through the air. But giraffes are more of an animal that would rather run than fight. Since they are very fast runners they have that option.

What will when in a fight gorilla giraffe?

Probably the giraffe, as a giraffe's means of defense are by swiping with the head and neck, and those front hooves would probably do a bit of damage as well. A giraffe would even kick, and a kick to the chops can probably knock the bear out, if not kill it.

What is cuter cheetah or a giraffe?

It depends on your opinion cheetahs bite and kill. Giraffes are calm but kill each other too by bashing their necks together.

What is the life cycle of a giraffe?

They get born, live, and die cuz i kill them all