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Q: Who concluded that particles can have some of the properties of light?
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When light is emitted as particles it is called?

Photons are particles of light:))) (in some cases.)

What are some of physical properties for light?

it is iron

When Rutherford found that some of the alpha particles fired at the gold foil were widely deflected he concluded that?

He concluded that most of the mass of the mass of the atom is concentrated at a single place at the centre of atom. He named this place as the nucleus.

What are some characteristics of colloidal particles?

Let light through

Is light only made out of photons or even just waves and how can we see waves in a form of light?

Light can be understood as both particles (photons) and waves. According to the wave-particle duality concept in quantum mechanics, light exhibits properties of both particles and waves. We cannot directly see light waves, but we can observe their effects, such as the illumination of objects or interference patterns, which can be detected by our eyes or scientific instruments.

What are some properties of light?

It travel in a higher speed than sound

What was the conclusion of Rutherford's gold foil experiment in terms of an atom's mass and volume?

Rutherford found that when when he aimed alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold foil, that some of the particles were deflecteted and didn't go straight through the foil. The reason for this turned out the be that they ran into the nucleus. Most of the particles did go straight through, so Rutherford concluded that the atom was mostly empty space. He also concluded that the center of the atom contained the nucleus and had positively charged particles he called protons.

Why was wave theory of light inadequate and was rejected?

In some experiments, light appeared to have wave properties, but in others, it appeared to have particle properties. The two ideas were believed to be in conflict - light was believed to be either one or the other. However, today it is accepted that light has both particle and wave properties.

What are some useful properties of light?

It travel in a higher speed than sound

What are some of the properties of a boot?

It must be strong or light. Sincerely Darren Teng

What are two things light acts like?

In some ways light act like waves, in others like particles.

What is form of matter?

It is not a form of matter since it does not take up space. _________ On the other hand, as electromagnetic radiation it has some curious properties that are understood only within Quantum Theory. Light consists of photons which are massless particles [some speculate that they have a very, very tiny amount of mass]. Light appears sometimes to behave like particles, and it appears sometimes to behave like waves. You cannot call it exclusively one or the other; it is something altogether different.