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Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

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Q: Who considered the Architect of the Indian constitution?
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Who is architect of Indian constitution?

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

Who said that preamble is the soul of Indian constitution?

Preamble is not considered the soul of Indian Constitution. Right to Constitutional Remedies are.

Who said that preamble is the soul of constitution?

Preamble is not considered the soul of Indian Constitution. Right to Constitutional Remedies are.

Who designed the layout of Indian constitution?

The Constitution of India was drafted by a Constitutent Assembly indirectly elected by people. So, it is almost very difficult to pick one person who framed the layout. However, B.R Amedbkar is considered the Principal Architect of the Constitution. If you are referring to the physical layout, i.e. decoration or otherwise of the draft Constitution or original manuscript, it is Nandalal Bose who decorated the original manuscript of the Constitution of India.

Who was the Architect of the constitution?

The answer is James Madison.

Who was considered as the architect of Indian nationalism?

Mahatma Gandhi was the father of nationalist movement in India,.

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The Dar Constitution Hall is a neoclassical building designed by the prominent architect John Russell Pope. The building was constructed using Alabama limestone.

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the kanchanjunga apartments in mumbai were designed by the famous indian architect Charles Correa

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