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Q: Who decided that women are not allowed to fight in the military?
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When were women allowed into the military?


When were women first allowed to fight in the US military?

Women are not officially allowed to be on the front line but because of the nature of being close to an area where fighting is going on, it is possible for women to be involved in it. Many countries allow females to be front line troops. Of those that do the date will vary according to the country in question.

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Why are women allowed in the Military?

Because it would be sexist not to allow them in the military.

Were women allowed to fight in the battle of Marathon?

Women were not permitted to be combatants.

Why weren't women allowed to fight in the American revolution?

In the 1700’s women had no rights. Some women did fight and there were women who were spies for a network that Washington set up.

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What did women have to do for war?

now they fight in it. but they used to only be allowed to be nurses

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How many women are allowed in the military?

As many that are qualified and want to join.

Why were women not allowed to join the military and to fight in the civil war?

the law stated that and they only did that because they knew that they could get seriously injured or even killed and at that time,which was back in the mid 1800's,a lot of women had children that were still young and if the women left they could not take care of their child or children that were still young and little, but now they only allow women with full grown children or no children at all to join the military and fight in the civil was that helpful