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it was hereditary-- the oldest son. no one decided

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Q: Who decided who would be the next pharaoh in Ancient Egypt?
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Related questions

Where would you find the Pharaoh?

you would find it in ancient Egypt ,

How did people travel in ancient times?

walking, or if you where the Pharaoh in Egypt the Egyptians would carry him

What was the title used to refer to the king of in ancient Egypt?

The King or Ruler of Egypt were called as Pharos

What would happen if you argue with the pharaoh in ancient Egypt?

You would have your mouth burned, or would be tortured.

What was the worst crime you could commit in ancient Egypt?

The worst crime you could commit in ancient Egypt would be to kill the pharaoh or the Royal Family of Egypt.

Who would receive the taxes in Ancient Egypt?

The pharaoh would collect the taxes to support the country

Who would the people of Egypt blame if crops did not grow or if disease struck ancient Egypt?

The gods or sometimes a pharaoh.

Why were pharohs important to egypt?

Pharaohs were important to Egypt because they were the king of the ancient Egypt and the ancient Egyptians thought the pharaoh was a child of the gods and a god himself. They also believed that if the pharaoh and his subjects honored the gods, their lives would be happy.

Why did ancient Egyptians bow to their pharaohs?

Because the ancient Egyptians honored their pharaoh as a god. They believed that the pharaoh controlled the weather and everything that happened in ancient Egypt. They did that so that the pharaoh would be pleased by his people and greet them back with life.

A king in ancient Egypt?

The ancient Egyptians were polytheistic, therefore they did not believe in a singular god.

What was ancient Egypt's economy mainly based on?

Their economy was based on the Pharaoh. It is that way because the Pharaoh would have to run the whole country. Without the Pharaoh the whole country would fall apart.

Would the pharaoh in ancient Egypt have children?

yes that's how the royal family kept its blood line