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If your referring to the USA, it would be Abraham Lincoln. He wrote the emancipation proclamation ending slavery in the southern states.

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Q: Who declared an end to slavery in the rebellious states?
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The Liberty party wanted to end slavery by having it declared unconstitutional. The Liberty party argued that enslaving a person was in direct conflict with the United States constitution.

What did the emancipation proclanation do?

In the Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln declared slavery abolished in the states that had seceded from the United States. Since those states did not acknowledge Lincoln's authority, slavery did not end until the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.

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If its the end of slavery then all of the states were free

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The last state to end slavery was Texas. Another answer: Texas was the last Confederate state to end slavery: June 19, 1865, Juneteen It did not end in the entire United States until December 18, 1865. At that point the Secretary of State declared the 13th amendment ratified. It ended in the four border states: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri.


A person who wanted to end slavery in the United States

States that wanted to end slavery?

The Union states.

Why did the confederate states not free all slaves even after president Lincoln declared slavery's end in 1862?

Because they had declared themselves to be a separate country that did not take orders from Congress. And they still thought they were going to win the war.

Why did the confederate states not free all slaves even after president Lincoln declared slavery's end?

In short, they did not consider themselves part of the Union, and, therefore, not subject to its laws.

Which US president is 1863 Emancipation Proclamation declared an end to slavery?

Abraham Lincoln

What amendment to the constitution ended slavert?

The thirteenth amendment is the amendment that declared the end of slavery

Why did the abolishtion of the slave trade not bring an end to slavery it self?

The abolition of the slave trade did not bring an end to slavery itself because many existing slaves continued to be exploited and enslaved on plantations. Also, the economic system of slavery was deeply ingrained in societies, making it hard to dismantle immediately. Additionally, there was a demand for cheap labor which perpetuated the institution of slavery in different forms even after the slave trade was abolished.

What brought slavery to an end in the unites states?

In the United States, slavery was brought to end by the emancipation proclamation of President Lincolon and Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which ended slavery in the United States in 1865.