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The tribes were kidnapped and taken into Babylonia by the Babylonians.

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Q: Who defeated the 12 Hebrew tribes?
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What tribes spoke Hebrew?

All 12 tribes of Israel spoke Hebrew, with varying dialects.All 12 tribes of Israel spoke Hebrew, with varying dialects.

How many tribes did the Hebrews organize themselves into?

According to The Bible there were 12 Hebrew tribes.(Genesis 49:1-28) Jacob fathered 12 sons and each became the paternal head of a family. These families became the 12 tribes of Israel (the Hebrews).

Where can you read in the bible of the seven tribes of israel?

There are 12 Hebrew tribes of Israel not seven. You can read about them in Revelation 7:4-9.

What two federations were formed from the 12 Hebrew tribes?

The Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.

What was the Hoshen?

The Hoshen was a breastplate, worn by the high priest at the Jerusalem Temple. It represents the 12 Hebrew tribes.

What did Asher have to do with The Bible?

Asher in Hebrew means Happy or Blessed. Asher was one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

How are Hebrews different from Jews?

They're not different. Hebrews referred to the 12 tribes of Israel. Descendents of one of those tribes, the tribe of Judah, are called Jews. So Jews ARE Hebrews, only the term is Hebrew is only used today to refer to the language of Hebrew.

Who governed the Jews?

the heads of the Hebrew tribes

Biblical meaning of number 12?

It means, 'organizational beginnings.' The 12 months of the year, the 12 tribes of Israel. Multiples are similarly defined yet more intense like 360 days in the Hebrew calendar (30 x 12) or the 144,000 saved in Revelations (1000 x 12 x 12).Usually the number is in reference to the Nation of Israel, the Jewish people (i.e. 12 tribes of Israel, 144,000 witnness's 12000 from each tribe, Genesis 12 begginning of the Hebrew people with the calling out of Abraham, etc)

Who united the Hebrew tribes into the nation?

King Saul.

Who defeated the Philistines and became the first Hebrew king?

Saul became the first Hebrew king.

What tribe is considered the smartest?

From what part of the world? The African tribes? The AmerIndian tribes? The Hebrew tribes? Which? We need some directions here.