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Q: Who departmental accountable Official retains your appointment letter?
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Who retains your appointment letter If you are a Departmental Accountable Official?

If you are a Departmental Accountable Official, who retains your appointment letter

If you are a dts Departmental Accountable Official who retains your appointment letter?

person or office who appointed me

Who retains you appointment letter if you are a departmental accountable official?

Can't say; it's determined by local policy

Who retains Departmental Accountable Official appointment letter?

Can't say; it's determined by local policy (verified)

What is true about departmental accountable officials with regard to pecuniary liability?

They bear no presumption of negligence and are only liable for the dollar value of the erroneous payment that is attributable to their actions.

Advantages of general power of appointment over limited power of appointment?

In a will or trust, a general power of appointment allows the holder to use discretion to distribute the property. A limited power of appointment limits the distribution to a named class. With regard to trusts, a trustor who retains a power of appointment also retains ownership in the property for tax purposes, probate purposes and in the case of attaching creditors. You should always seek the advice of an attorney who specializes in wills and trusts for the drafting of an instrument that will both meet your needs and federal and state legal requirements. You may read more about powers of appointment at the link provided below.

What is buckingham palace used for today?

Buckingham Palace is the official residecne of the Queen when she is in London

What culture is most influenced by Portuguese culture?

Undoubtedly , Brazil. With it's Portugese influence , it still retains Portugese as it's official language where the rest of South Ameican speaks Spanish.It also retains a large population of Roman Catholis , another legacy of Portugal , and the Portugese influence shows in it's food and music as well.

What small particle of substance retains the characteristics of the substance?

If it is an element, then the smallest particle that retains the characteristics of the element is an atom. If it is a diatomic element, then the smallest particle that retains the characteristics of the element is a molecule. If it is a molecular compound, then the smallest particle that retains the characteristics of the compound is a molecule. If it is an ionic compound, the smallest particle that retains characteristics of the compound is a formula unit.

What is the smallest particle of an element that retains the property of elements?

The smallest unit of Matter that retains the property of an element is the atom.

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