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Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace first purposed the theory of evolution by natural selection, but the theory accepted by most scientists today has been modified a bit since Darwin and Wallace's day.

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Q: Who developed a theory of evolution by natural selection that is accepted by most scientists today?
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When was the darninim theory of evolution accepted?

The theory of evolution was accepted by scientists in 1859, Darwin's first book was published the same year that his theory was accepted.

What is the most excepted theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection. ( I assume you meant accepted )

Who the theory of evolution?

The generally accepted theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin

Who had the theory of evolution?

The generally accepted theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin

Theories about evolution by Darwin?

He came up with the most widely accepted mechanism for evolution, known as natural selection.

Who proposed the currently accepted theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858. This is not the currently accepted theory as that was 157 years ago. Google The new synthesis, or the Neo-Darwinian synthesis for an update to the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Why was Darwin's theory of evolution accepted?

His theory was accepted because the premise was sound, the method of natural selection was convincing and the evidence for the theory was overwhelming.

Why was evoloution only gradually accepted?

Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, was accepted pretty much bu the time Darwin came on the scene. The theory of evolution by natural selection was a harder sell. Not only were there religious objections, which were silly, but scientific objections to the theory that developed toward the end of the 19th century as genetics took off. These objections were to the possibility of natural selection being the actual driving force of much of evolution. Many geneticists were " saltationists ", that is they though evolution happened in large mutations instead of a more gradual process. Not until about 1930 when the mathematical joining of biology and genetics, called the new synthesis, come about was Darwin finally vindicated in most of his ideas about natural selection.

Is evolution true or false reasons why?

true Answer The Theory of Evolution by Means of Natural Selection is accepted by most, almost all, scientists as an excellent account of how life must change and diversify and adapt across time. Evolution is considered factual and thus true by most scientists. The reason for this is the huge amount of evidence, which comes from comparative genetics, comparative genomics, comparative cytogenetics, biogeography, comparative morphology, comparative biochemistry, comparative behaviour and the fossil record.

Which idea about geologic change became the accepted theory in Darwin's theory?

Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection does not incorporate theories about geological change. Those are the domain of geology, not biology.

Why is Darwins theory is accepted?

The theory of evolution by natural selection is no longer just Darwin's theory because the theory has been modified and added to somewhat in the last 150 years +. Still, the theory is supported by massive amounts of converging evidence, is internally consistent, has the ability to generated testable hypotheses and, doing what a scientific theory is supposed to do, explains much about the fact of evolution. The theory of evolution by natural selection is the bedrock of biology.

Have any theories of evolution actually ever been conclusively proven as fact beyond any reasonable doubt?

Scientists do not prove things but the theory of evolution by natural selection has over 150 years of evidence supporting it and is considered a very certain theory and quite beyond reasonable doubt. As well accepted as the theory of gravity, atomic theory and the heliocentric theory. I suggest you review the primary meaning of scientific theory in a good dictionary.