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Q: Who developed the first comprehensive theory of personality?
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Who developed the first scientific theory?

john dalton developed the atomic theory , which he published in 1803

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Who developed the first comprehensive life-span view?

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Who developed the first scientific atomic theory?

john dalton developed the atomic theory , which he published in 1803

Who developed the story of realativity?

Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity. He first proposed the special theory of relativity in 1905 and later developed the general theory of relativity in 1915. These theories revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity.

Who developed the first scientific theory of the atom?

john dalton

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Albert Einstein

When did Hantaro Nagaoka first start working on the atomic theory?

He started working on the atomic theory in 1892. He developed the Saturnian Model in 1904.

Who developed the current version of this big bang theory?

The big bang theory was first suggested by a French Catholic Priest Georges Lemaître

Who is credited with producing the first truly comprehensive theory of organization?

Henri Fayol is credited with producing the first truly comprehensive theory of organization. In his book "General and Industrial Management," published in 1916, Fayol introduced his theory of management known as the "14 Principles of Management." This theory outlined key principles such as division of work, unity of command, and scalar chain, which are still widely used in organizational management today.

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What theory of origin of the state most influenced the political system?

The social contract theory, proposed by philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, has had a significant influence on the development of modern political systems. This theory suggests that individuals willingly give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and preservation of their rights, which forms the basis of the state's authority.