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Q: Who devised animalism in Animal Farm?
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What does Animalism represent in Animal Farm?

Animalism represented Russia under the rule of the Communist Party.Communism-all are equal.

How did the education contribute to the ideology of animalism in the novel animal farm?

In the novel "Animal Farm," education played a pivotal role in shaping the ideology of Animalism. The pigs, particularly Snowball and Napoleon, took it upon themselves to educate the other animals about the principles of Animalism. This allowed the pigs to establish themselves as the intellectual elite, creating a power dynamic that enabled them to manipulate and control the other animals. Through education, the pigs were able to instill their ideologies and beliefs in the other animals, solidifying their authority over the farm.

How was Karl Marx involved in the animal farm?

Karl Marx is represented by Old Major in the book and is the founder of communism/animalism.

Who reduces the ideals of Animalism to the phrase Four legs good two legs bad?

In the novel "Animal Farm," Orwell has the character Napoleon explain the principles of animalism to the animals on the farm. He shortens the philosophy to the idea of "four legs good, two legs bad."

In animal farm what happens to snowball?

It is assumed that he escapes to another farm, in which he attempts to stir another rebellion towards animalism, during which he is promptly killed by the farmers dogs

What did Old Major do in Animal Farm?

In animal farm old major was the animal (pig) who first started the ideas of the rebellion. He taught the animals the song 'beasts of england' and also gave them the long speech of his dream about a land without humans- leading to rebellion.

Who does Old major in animal farm?

Old major represents Karl Marx in animal farm because he taught animalism, workers do the work, rich keep the money, animals revolt, and he dies before the revolution.

In animal farm What does snowball use the green table cloth for?

Snowball used the green table cloth to make a flag to represent Animalism.

What is the political system the animals have created on manor farm?


What is the relationship between the green flag in Animal Farm and the Russian flag?

The green flag in Animal Farm represents the principles of Animalism, symbolizing the hopes and ideals of the animals on the farm. In contrast, the Russian flag (historically the red flag) symbolizes the Communist ideology in Russia, which the characters and events in Animal Farm were influenced by but not a direct representation of.

How did napoleon and snowball differ in their ideas about running the farm?

Snowball wanted to spread Animalism instead, arguing that defence was not needed if Animalism was widespread. However, Napoleon believed that Animal Farm's defence was more important that the spreading of Animalism, at that point of time, because the humans may attack them.

What does animalism mean in Animal Farm?

Animalsim is basically the government or religion that the animals base their daily lives off of. So in other words it resembles the Seven commandments