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She writes in bellas book at the cottage the name and number of

j jenks but when bella searches it on the computer, it comes up with jason jenks who is a lawyer. Alice gave her the name j kenks because the lawyer uses this name and address fot clients who want illegal documents which bella needs for renesmee and jacob to escape from the volturi when they come to kill renesmee at the end of breaking dawn

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Q: Who did Alice tell Bella to see in the letter?
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Describe emotional and physical minor character Alice Cullen in new moon?

Alice organised Bellas birthday party insisting that Bella would enjoy it. when the cullens leave Forks the film shows Bella trying to contact Alice. After Bella cliff jumps Alice comes to see if she really is dead but she isn't. Alice sees Bella jumping off the clif bt she doesn't see Jacob rescuing her because she can't see werewolfs in her visions so she thought Bella hadnt been saved. They then go to volterra to save edward. Alice is very close to Bella and is upset when the cullens have to leave. I was quite upset because in new moon they completely changed Alice's look. They changed her hair so it wasn't as spiky (I mean that's her main feature THEY KILLED ALICE'S STYLE)and they made her dress sense more modern! hope i helped :p p.s TEAM JASPER!

In twilight who said it sounded like you were having Bella for lunch and came to see if you would share?

Alice Cullen

How does Alice's visions work?

Alice's visions are very unusual. She becomes very attuned to the ones she knows well and the ones around her. Like in New Moon. Alice saw Bella jump off the cliff. A question that many ask: Why did she not see Bella be saved?Answer: Jacob is a werewolf/ shape-shifter. For some odd reason, Alice's visions are not able to look beyond humans and vampires. Probably because Alice was human. She is a vampire, but she has no connection whatsoever to the half-breeds.Alice can see the future, but the visions are not always correct. You see, the future isn't set as stone. She saw James in the ballet room, but she could not see the reason why, because James had not called Bella and Bella hadn't made her decision. "decisions, decisions." as Jane says in eclipse (the movie).

Why doesn't Alice see Laurent killing Bella?

Well, Edward asked her not to look for Bella in her visions and also the wolves were there so shecouldn't' see... But then why would she have been able to see her jumping from the cliff ? I think it's just because Stephenie Meyer is not really meticulous and so there are some contradictions in her books...

Why did Edward want to kill himslef after he was told that Bella was dead Why did he want to kill himself after telling Bella that he doesn't want her anymore and that she will never see him again?

This question is easy to answer. Well Bella jumped off the cliff so she could cliff dive. She did that without Jacob and Jacob said they would do it sometime. So while that happened Alice saw Bella doing that and she can't see the wear wolfes but Jacob helped Bella out of the water but Alce didn't see it and told Rosalie and Rolsalie told Edward so then Eward called Bella and Jacob answered while Charlie was at a funeral and Bella was next to Jacob and he thought that the person calling was Carlisle. Edward asked where Charlie was and Jacob said At a funeral but Edward thought Bella's funeral. So then Edward went to the voltury and asked if they could kill him because he wants to live in the same kind of world with Bella and then Bella and Alice go after him and they saved him.

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In new moon how does Alice go and get Bella to go and save edward?

Ok, so Bella decides to go Cliff Diving by herself, and while jumping off the cliff, Alice sees Bella jump; she of course is still seeing Bella in the water but never saw her come back up for air because Jacob was there to save her (and Alice can't see werewolves) So, Alice goes back to Forks to try and see what she can do for Charlie when Bella appears and gets side tracked. After Alice see's Bella, they spend a couple of days together and then she gets a vision of Edward going to Italy..(thanks to Rosalie telling Edward that Bella is dead and the Edward calls Bella's house and Jacob said he was at the funeral) Alice then explains what's going on to Bella and almost immediately after Bella finds out he's going to Italy she demands Alice to tell her what she needs to do to save Edward.

What is Alice's talent?

Alice can see the future ,but only as it is happening . for example ,when Bella went to James thinking he had her mother , Alice couldn't see it until Bella had left and was just about there or possibly maybe as she was in the cab .

What does Alice see when Bella is at Isle Esme?

Edward and Bella having sexual intercourse

What does it mean when Bella says that she's betting on Alice?

Bella says this because Alice can see the future, so anything Alice predicts will most likely come true. Alice has seen in her visions that Bella will become a vampire. Edward doesn't want such a future for Bella. He's against it. And then Bella says - I'm betting on Alice. As in, 'I think she will be right'.

Does Bella get to see Edward again?

Yes, she does Alice comes to pick Bella up and Alice tells her that Edward is going to show himself to the world because he thinks that Bella is dead so then Alice drives Bella to go stop him from exposing himself for what he really is so Bella stops him then they see each other and he comes back to Forks.

Who would win in a fight Bella or Alice?

I think Alice - she can see the future and is more experienced

In the movie Twilight how did Alice know Bella was coming to their house?

Alice saw visions of Bella's future arrival, including her decision to come to their house. Her ability to see the future allowed her to anticipate Bella's visit.

Did Alice believe Bella could give them a child to love?

No Alice thought that Bella would be killed during her pregnancy by her unborn child. Since Jacob was around so much, he clouded Alice's powers and she couldn't see Bella's future.

Who does Alice see Bella doing that convices her to come back to forks?

Bella jumping off a cliff/drowning.

Do Alice and Bella always get along with each other?

Yes infact they do In New Moon Alice goes back to see Bellaand every time Alice has to go out Alice kisses Bella on the Cheek. I love the movie Twilight so much

Why did edward call the swan residence?

Because Rosalie told Edward that Alice told her that Alice saw Bella jump off a cliff and drown. But Alice couldn't see Jacob saving Bella, because by then he was already a werewolf. And Alice can't see any future to anyone if it involves a werewolf.

What clue did Bella send Alice hoping she would find Jacob?

Bella sent Alice a note with the word "cliff diving" to signal that she was planning on jumping off a cliff. Bella hoped that Alice would see this as a distress signal and inform Jacob to come and rescue her.