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Q: Who did Ares turn against?
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Who has ares turned against?

Who has ares turned against the lightning thief

What stratdy does Percy use to beat Ares?

he waited against the sea and when ares approches, he let out the wave. and stabbed ares in the leg while the wave is on him

Who was against Percy Jackson in the ligtning thief?

Ares and Luke Castellan are against Percy

What did Ares the God of War defend?

He defends Troy against harm.

Why does Ares hate Percy Jackson?

Ares hates Percy because firstly he gave his daughter a shower from the toilet as soon as he arrived, and also because Percy stabbed him in the heel. ares still has a grudge against Percy for defeating the god of war in his own game.

Why Did Aphrodite cheat on Hephaestus?

Because she was given to Hephestus against her will. She prefered others like Ares and Adonis.

What did the Romans call Ares?

They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.

Did Kratos defeate Ares to become a God of War?

Kratos defeated Ares with the strict goal of vengeance. Then the goddess Athena offered him god-hood which Kratos accepted in turn becoming the God of War.

Who do you think Percy is angrier with Hephaestus or Ares and why?

Percy is more angry with Ares. He doesn't really have much of anything against Hephaestus, but for one, Ares has this aura that makes people get angry and want to fight whenever he was around, and for another, Ares's daughter Clarisse likes to make fun of Percy and he figures Ares isn't any better. Ares likes tricking people and watching people get made fun of, including Percy, too.

When was Turn Against This Land created?

Turn Against This Land was created on 2005-09-19.

What did ares controls?

Ares wasn't a ruler. Ares was God of War and a coward.

Was the god Ares an Olympian or was it Aris the son of Ares?
