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Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, a long, long time before Queen Elizabeth II was born.

You might be referring to the Queen Mother, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, wife of George VI. She was never styled as Queen Elizabeth I or II though, because she was not a sovereign. She was a Queen Consort, the wife of a King, but had none of his powers, nor was she in line to the throne. When George VI died, the throne passed to the next in line, Elizabeth II.

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Q: Who did elizabeth take over the throne from?
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Queen Elizabeth 1 didn't take over Edward 1 it was Queen Mary Tudor was next in line.

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Elizabeth fir came to the throne in 1942

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probably when Queen Elizabeth dies it will either be Prince Charles or Prince William on the throne.

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it was infact the catholics that challenged Elizabeth the firsts claim to the english throne.

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she got it from elizabeth the first

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Prince Charles is next in line to succeed to the THRONE after Queen Elizabeth II King James I succeeded Elizabeth I (depending on what question you were trying to ask)

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Queen Elizabeth I was on the throne for 45 years! Queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne for approximatly 59 years- she is one of the longest Monarchs on the throne! go her

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