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Chaz Stroman

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10y ago

No one, he invented it himself. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a German Mathematician and Rationalist Philosopher is believed to have probably independently created infinitesimal calculus around the same time as Newton, after visiting Newton in England. Newton, however, believed Leibniz to have stolen his work and was extremely angry with him, even going so far as to have him investigated by the Royal Society for what effectively amounts to plagiarism. Such charges are generally seen as false from a modern historical perspective, but it is certainly the case that Newton's megalomania and other socially problematic personality traits prevented him from working closely with just about anybody. He invented differential calculus on his own and through his own genius.

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no, he invented the 3 laws of phisics

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13y ago

He invented it.

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Q: Who did isaac newton work with to discover calculus?
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What countries did Isaac newton work in?

Sir Isaac Newton was knighted; he lived and worked in Great Britain.

What is the relationship between Isaac Newton and the branch of mathematics called Calculus?

Newton is generally taken to have been one of the two inventors of the calculus, the other being Leibniz. They worked independently, had different motivations, and used different notations. The dates are 1666 for Newton's first work on the calculus and about 1672 for Leibniz, though neither published their work until much later. The key realisation that both Newton and Leibniz had was that differentiation and integration are inverse processes. This means that areas under curves can be obtained by using anti-derivatives, a result now called the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. This led to a systematic symbolic process for solving many problems, called at first "infinitesimal calculus" and later just "calculus". Differentiation is to do with tangents, and integration is to do with areas. Work on both tangents and areas goes back as far as the ancient Greeks (Euclid and Archimedes). The significance of the work of Newton and Leibniz was that they were the first people to really understand and exploit the connection between tangents and areas.

Was Isaac newton better than Galileo?

Yes because besides his work on physics, Newton invented calculus Isaac Newton is cleverer, because he created calculus and was a: was an English physicist (a scientist who does research in physics), mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher (a person who studies nature and the physical universe), alchemist, and theologian (a person who studies religion).

Did Isaac Newton work with other scientist?

chalabulabulabulubala was a very bad enemy of isaac newton they both had expieriment races but eventualy chulabulabulubala won all of them.

What did Isaac Newton find out?

Sir Isaac Newton's largest contributions were in the areas of science and mathematics. Newton discovered many of the laws and theories that not only furthered our understanding of the universe, but also gave future scientists the tools to discover how to enter space. He discovered gravitational force and established the three Universal Laws of Motion. By tying these discoveries to the work Johannes Kepler and his Laws of Planetary motion, he established classic mechanics the beginning of modern Physics.

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Mathematician who claimed integral calculus?

Isaac Newton. Mush of the theoretical work was due to Gottfried Leibniz.

Identify the individual who was responsible for developing the laws of gravity and calculus.?

Gottfried Liebniz and Isaac Newton are credited with co-developing the Calculus, based on work from Archimedes, Cavalieri, and others. But only Newton also studied gravity, and attempted to come up with a theory about how and why it worked.

Who was the original discoverer of Calculus?

Calculus was independently discovered by Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the late 17th century. Newton developed his own system of calculus called "fluxions" and "method of fluents," while Leibniz developed his system of calculus based on differentials and integrals. Both their work laid the foundation for modern calculus.

Is it true that calculus is not one of isaac newton's contributions to the field of science?

No, but Newton and Liebnitz argued for years about which one of them developed the Calculus. There is some evidence that Liebnitz had seen Newton's early work on the Calculus. The fact is, Liebnitz rushed to publish his ideas, and Newton finally published his years later, although he did mention his Calculus as a sidenote in a much earlier publication. To Newton we can give thanks for inventing analytical fluxion type of the Calculus, and to Liebnitz the differential/integral type of the Calculus.

What field of mathematics did newton develop?

Isaac Newton made significant contributions to the field of calculus, which involves the study of rates of change and accumulation. He is also known for his work in physics, particularly his laws of motion and universal gravitation.

What did Kepler discover about the shape of the planets orbits?

All orbits are ellipses, a sort of oval. Kepler's laws didn't give people enough information to actually calculate an orbit, but his work was fundamental to Isaac newton's work in developing theories of gravity and developing calculus.

What did Kepler discover about the shapes of the planets orbit?

All orbits are ellipses, a sort of oval. Kepler's laws didn't give people enough information to actually calculate an orbit, but his work was fundamental to Isaac newton's work in developing theories of gravity and developing calculus.

Did newton create any subjects in school?

Isaac Newton did not create any subjects in school, but he made significant contributions to various fields such as mathematics, physics, and astronomy. His work laid the foundation for the development of modern physics and calculus.

What did Isaac Newton invented?

Isaac Newton is best known for his work in physics and mathematics. He developed the three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. He also made significant contributions to the field of calculus.

Source of calculus?

Isaac Newton is credited for inventing calculus, though this is still a matter of debate. Newton, working on the laws of motion and other physical laws, needed more advanced mathematical laws and equations to assist him in his work. He claims to have invented calculus in 1666 while working on physics. There was another mathematician, Gottfried Leibniz, that claims to have been independently working on calculus in 1674. Leibniz published some of his work in 1684, whereas Newton did not publish until 1693. Some parts of the debate claim that Leibniz saw parts of Newton's unpublished work, which is what led him to his discoveries. Most people grant Isaac Newton with the contribution of calculus to mathematics and we still use many of his symbols!

What math concepts did Isaac Newton work with?

Calculus -- instantaneous changes. Binomial theorem, logarithms, ellipses for orbits of planets, and many others.

Who developed calculus and stated the law of gravity?

Well i guess you mean Isaac newton. He did alot of work into various branches of maths, and his notation for algebra and calculus is still widely used today.