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Yes because besides his work on physics, Newton invented calculus

Isaac newton is cleverer, because he created calculus and was a: was an English physicist (a scientist who does research in physics), mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher (a person who studies nature and the physical universe), alchemist, and theologian (a person who studies religion).

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11y ago

Both really intelligent but most of hawking work is based off Einsteins theories. therefor Einstein's gifts inevitably resulted in his dwelling much in intellectual.

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13y ago

everyone is intellegent but it depends on you where will you use it.

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At the present time (late 2010), they're pretty much tied.

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Isaac Newton

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Einsteein. True genius

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joke: why did the turkey cross the road

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Who is more famous Isaac Newton or Adele?

Isaac Newton is more famous than Adele. However, Adele sings better.

How did sir isaac newton discover calculus?

He did better than that.He invented it.

Who is older Isaac or Rachel Newton?

Isaac Newton was born twenty years earlier than Rachel Newton. 1642 vs 1662

What people impacted sir Isaac newtons life?

More than likey the people that impaced Sir Isaac Newton's life were Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler. Both were astronomers which carried out extensive work on a force later known as gravity. Sir Isaac Newton was the person who read their works and carried out their experiments and put the different parts together to discover and prove the force of gravity.

Why did Sir Isaac Newton refuse a glass of wine before sitting down to formulate the rules for differentiation?

He knew better than to drink and derive!

How did Sir Isaac Newton's contribution impact the environment?

Isaac Newton contributed to science and mathematics; his work was quite intellectual at the time he did it, and at first it seemed to have only theoretical consequences, rather than environmental consequences. However, all scientific progress since the time of Newton has built on his work, so one might argue that all of the technological advances of the modern world, which have had such a vast impact on the environment, are to some degree a result of Newton's work.

What other awards did Isaac newton get than the society of rumble?

He is called SIR Isaac Newton which means he must have been knighted by the King or Queen of England which is a huge award.

Who is older Isaac Newton or Edwin Hubble?

Newton was born in 1727; Hubble was born in 1889. Newton is older by more than a century and a half.

Who helped Galileo discover that earth rotates?

Copernicus put forward a model of the solar system with the Sun at the centre, which was repeated by Galileo. It remained a theory until after further refined theories and observations by Isaac Newton and others showed that the Sun is much more massive than the planets and must therefore stay at the centre.

What did isaac newton think about the solar system?

he thought they were worse than McDonalds and hated them

Who discover that the earth spins around the sun?

Galileo. It's more complicated than that. Several people were involved. The main ones were Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton.

What was Isaac Newton like as a person?

According to historians, Isaac Newton was not a very talkative or personable person. He was actually very introverted and more so interested in studying and learning than talking with others.