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Robert Hooke hascriticizedNewton when he initially presented his ideas to the Royal Society and Newton did not take kindly to that response. Rather than undergo more ridicule by his peer Newton just waited for Hooke to die and then published it uncontested.

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Q: Why did Isaac Newton wait to publish his ideas about light after Robert hooke had died?
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Why did Isaac Newton publish his ideas after Robert Hooke died?

becase he did

Who did Robert hooke have an argument with and why?

He had an argument with Isaac Newton.

Why did newton wait to publish his ideas about light until after Robert hooke had died?

Because he had an argument with him and many other scientists too. :D

Does any portrait survive of Robert Hooke?

no Issac newton destroy them all when Robert hooke died

What was Sir Isaac Newtons peers?

two of them were robert hooke and isaac barrow

Why did Isaac Newton send Robert Hooke a letter?

Because Robert claimed that his letters earned him a role in Newton's discovery. But to no effect. Newton was so mad with Robert that he threatened to supress book 3 of principia. But instead he deleted every mention of Roberts name in the book.

Who were some of isaac newtons major friends?

•Robert Hooke

Did isaac newton us other sientists ideas to help him?

Yes. He himself told one of his main rivals, Robert Hooke, "if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants".

Who were Isaac newtons friends?

A partial list would have to include John Locke (important to social contract theory), Edmond Halley (of Comet fame, and so much more), Robert Hooke (England's Leonardo), Isaac Barrow (known for his works in Geometry and Optics), Samuel Pepys (President of the Royal Society), Nicolas Fatio de Duillier (they were reputedly 'very close'), and John Flamsteed (first Astronomer Royal).

Who was Isaac Newton's mentor?

Though Newton claimed to be self-taught, it is predicted that he was taught by Robert Hooke. It is also thought that after Hooke's death, Newton stole some of his ideas and claimed them as his own. After Hooke's death, a great number of his published works went missing from a library very few had access to and Newton was one of those selected individuals.

Who is Robert Hooke's enemy?

Issac Newton. Their enemiship began after their debate on the nature of light and gravity.

Who were the most famous scientist in the 18th century?

Mr.Robert Hooke., Mr.Robert Boyle., Sir Isaac Newton.