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Q: Who did more to spread christianty Paul or Constantine?
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Who spread Christianity more paul or constintine?


What attributed to the spread of Christianity?

be more specific.. Jesus taught the renewed covenant(new testament).. Paul traveled to port cities where he could spread the word and the travellers would carry the word further... Paul wrote a lot of the new testament..

Did Rome adopt Christianity before Constantine?

Yes. Even in the time of the apostle Paul, we know there were Christians in Rome. By the second century, the Christian community in Rome was under the leadership of a bishop. By the time of Emperor Constantine, more than ten per cent of the population of Rome was Christian.

Who spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire?

More than anyone before him, Emperor Constantine spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. True, Christianity was already well established, especially in the Greek-speaking east, long before the fourth century, but Constantine gave the religion state patronage, offered career preferment to those who claimed to be Christians, and began the long persecution of the pagan temples. From this time, and with this impetus, Christianity spread quickly in the Roman Empire.

Who spread christianity throughout roman empire?

More than anyone before him, Emperor Constantine spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. True, Christianity was already well established, especially in the Greek-speaking east, long before the fourth century, but Constantine gave the religion state patronage, offered career preferment to those who claimed to be Christians, and began the long persecution of the pagan temples. From this time, and with this impetus, Christianity spread quickly in the Roman Empire.

What new religion was spread throughout Rome?

Christianity was spread because of the aggressive evangelizing that the first century Christians did. Most notably, the Apostle Paul made a missionary trip to Rome. Since Paul was a Roman citizen by law he was able to do more legally than most other Christians at the time. Although, even he ended up in prison eventually. By the time of the 4th century, Christianity had spread so much throughout the Roman Empire, that the Emperor Constantine made a power move, first to make it legal to practice the religion, and then he made it the official religion of the Empire later on during his reign.

Who spread the word of Christianity?

Jesus did. He told His disciples to take the gospel, which is the basis of Christianity, to all the world. Matthew 28:19,20 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Who converted to Christianity and spread it throughout the roman empire?

There was no one particular person who spread Christianity throughout the empire. All of the disciples/apostles of Jesus went out to "teach all nations". Several apostles are patrons of distant countries and they may very well have traveled to them. For example, James is affiliated with Spain, Peter with Rome, Luke, although not an apostle but a friend of Paul, is buried in Padua, Italy according to the latest DNA. Paul himself traveled and wrote throughout the middle east until he was taken to Rome as a prisoner. The Roman Emperor Constantine also helped spread Christianity by declaring it the official religion of the Roman Empire.

How did Paul contribute to the spread of Christianity?

Paul of Tarsus, who was previously known as Saul spread Christianity as the first Christian missionary, or person who spreads their belief to non-believers. He travelled across the Roman Empire, sending Christian messages to gentiles and non-Jewish communities as well as to Jews. This allowed more people to follow the faith. He preached about Christianity in new areas where no one had preached before, and established Christianity there.

Who did more to spread Christianity - Paul or Constantine?

It was Paul. He made Christianity accessible to the gentiles (non-Jews) of the Roman Empire. The earliest Christians were Jews who preached the word of Christ to other Jews and followed Jewish law. Paul said that to be a Christian you needed to have faith in Christ and follow his teachings. You did not need to follow Jewish laws. This made it possible for Christianity to spread around the Roman Empire. Constantine helped Christianity by promoting Christians in the imperial bureaucracy, introducing some laws which favoured the Christians, building important churches in Rome, Constantinople and Jerusalem and initiating the tradition of Roman Emperors convening synods and ecumenical councils. This put Christianity on a more solid footing. However, Christianity was still very much a minority religion in Constantine's days and he did not promote its spread. Indeed, Constantine straddled Christianity and paganism. Although he favoured Christianity, he also promoted the cult of Sol Invictus (the Undefeated Sun). The symbol of this god appeared on his coins. For the inauguration of his new capital he had a high column with a statue of himself in the guise of this god, crowned with a halo of seven rays and looking toward the rising sun, built. He also instituted Sunday as a day of rest devoted to this god.

When is Saint Constantine celebrated?

If you are referring to Constantine the Great, he is considered a saint only in the Orthodox Church, not in the Western Church. There are several other saints named Constantine so you need to be more specific,

Who is more famous Augustus or Constantine?

The answer to this question has to be a matter of opinion. My opinion is they're equally famous. Constantine, for a religious change and Augustus for a political change.