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Q: Who did most of the actual writing of the Declaration of Independence?
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Who did most of the actual of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who did the most writing of the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who did most of the writing of The Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who were the 3 notable responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence?

John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were the core of the group responsible for the Declaration of Independence with Jefferson doing most of the writing. Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman were also on the committee but did not significantly contribute to the actual document.

Who was the most important person in writing the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson.

Which philosopher most influences Jefferson's writing of the declaration of independence?

john Locke

Who was the man most responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence?

The one responsible for the declaration of independane is Jefferson.

Who is the writer of American freedom declration?

Most of the writing of the American Declaration of Independence was done by Thomas Jefferson.

What was the most inspired by the ideas of the enlightenment?

The Declaration of Independence

Who is credited for writing the American Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence for the United States of America, in addition to making many/most of the important edits to it. Some others did participate in the writing of it, but it's Thomas Jefferson who contributed the original write-up and was most influential in it's development, and as such, he is credited for the writing of the historical document.

What document includes the phrases you hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal?

The Declaration of Independence.

What US president was the chairman of the committee that prepared the Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin, future President Thomas Jefferson, future President John Adams, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman to a committee to write the Declaration of Independence. Although Jefferson did most of the actual writing, John Adams was the chair of the committe.