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Q: Who did ron turn into in the deathly hollows?
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Does ron die in deathly hollows?

SPOILER ALERT: No he does not.

Is Hermione still friends with harry and ron in deathly hollows?

Yes Hermione is friends with Harry and Ron in Deathiy Hollows part 1.

When will Ron and Hermionie kiss in the deathly hollows movie?

part two

Who destroys the medallion in deathly hollows?

if you mean the locket it's ron....

Who destroyed each Horcrux and when?

Diary - Harry - Chamber of Secrets Marvolo Gaunt's ring - Dumbledore - Half Blood Prince Locket - Ron - Deathly Hollows Hufflepuf cup - Hermoine - Deathly Hollows Ravenclaw's diadem - Crabbe - Deathly Hollows Nagini - Neville - Deathly Hollows Harry - Voldemort - Deathly Hollows But Harry doesn't die

In what book of the Harry Potter seies does ron and heriome kiss?

in harry potter and the deathly hollows

Did ron marry Hermione in death hollows?

The name is "Deathly Hallows". Yes, they got married.

What happens to Ron in Harry Potter and the deathly hollows?

he marrys herminie and they have children i read the book

What do the deathly hollows have to do with the horcruxes?

one of the deathly hollows is a horcruxes

Who are the main characters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows?

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly

Does hermoine end up with ron?

yes it show that in the epilogue of deathly hollows and, she and Ron get married and have 2 kids named Rose and Hugo.

Who marrys who after Harry Potter and the deathly hollows?

harry and ginny ron and hermone malfoy and someone...... fleur and bill get married during the deathly hallows