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Many people felt that the theatres were immoral or at least havens for vice. The Puritan element felt that plays (like dancing and other frivolous entertainments) were actually contrary to the commandments of God, and they therefore abolished the playhouses when they gained power. However, many people in the City of London did not like the idea of so many people gathering in one place, which attracted cutpurses, pickpockets, and prostitutes. They also suspected the playhouses as places where diseases, particularly the plague, spread. For all these reasons public playhouses were not allowed in the City of London, and even the ones in Southwark were closed in times of plague.

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Q: Who didn't approve of the globe theatre?
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Where could one find a picture of The Globe theatre?

The Globe Theatre is located in London. Google Images provides many pictures of the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare's Globe and the Globe Theatre website also provide pictures of the Globe Theatre.

What did the globe theatre used to be called?

the Globe Theatre.

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the globe theatre was shakespeares theatre

When did Globe Theatre end?

Globe Theatre ended in 1644.

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the globe theatre was established in 1576

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the globe theatre was shakespeares theatre. It the old globe theater was originally built in shakespeare's theatre.

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The globe theatre was first built in 1599 then it burnt down in 1613 then rebuilt the globe theatre in 1614

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globe theatre

Was the Globe theatre originally called the Rose theatre?

No, the Rose theatre and the Globe theatre are two different theatres. The Rose theatre opened before the Globe theatre in 1587, and the Globe theatre opened afterwards in 1599. The Rose theatre closed in 1605, whereas the Globe Theatre was burnt down in 1613, rebuilt in 1614 and then closed in 1642. Both theatres are now rebuilt and open to the public.

When was the other Globe Theatre built?

The second Globe theatre was built in June 1614 and closed in 1642,, There was also a modern version of the Globe theatre named "Shakespeare's Globe". =]