

Who didn't fight in the Warsaw ghetto uprising?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Who didn't fight in the Warsaw ghetto uprising?
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What are some of the ways the Jewsih fought back during the holocaust?

The Warsaw uprising was one. The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto fought off the Nazis. They ultimately were put down in a fierce fight.

What is the causes Warsaw ghetto uprising?

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising took place in April of 1943. It was a riot that broke out when the Nazi's were attempting to load the last of the Jewish communities in Poland onto the train to take them to the concentrations camps. Sadly, the Jewish people lost this resistance.

Was there a fight in the ghettos?

Of course- there were many, actually. Most fights were over life and death, food, medicine, and warmth. The most famous of the fights was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which was when many Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto gained access to the weapons armory and took aim upon the Nazis guarding the ghetto outside the camp.

Is the Holocaust considered a war?

No. In the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and some other incidents the victims were able to offer armed resistance to the Nazis, but on the whole the victims were unable to fight in any meaningful way. It wasn't a war; it was genocide.

What kinds of ways did the Jew fight back when held in the Warsaw Ghetto?

Please see the related question below.

Did the Jews have a chance to kill the Nazis?

A few times, yes, most notably in the successful revolt at Sobibor concentration camp, and the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. They sometimes had the chance, but they were always outnumbered. Moreover, they did not have the unity to fight against them and the Nazis were good planners and they were better at executing all their plans.

During the Warsaw ghetto How did Jews fight back?

yes. they did but then, after getting to sick and hungery they couldn't.

How did Europeans resist the Nazis?

Fighting back against the NazisJews didn't fight back till very late. The best known instances are the uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 (not to be confused with the much larger Warsaw Uprising of 1944), rebellions at some extermination camps and resistance in some parts of Belarus. Despite this, there is a widespread view that the Jews were in some sense too passive, though it's far from clear what they could actually have done. The Jews - a small, largely unarmed and unorganized minority, stood no chance at all of defeating the Nazis. In general, the Jews found it practically impossible to 'fight back' in countries where they were well integrated, like Germany and Hungary.In many of the occupied countries, like Poland, France, Norway and much of Yugoslavia, there were active resistance movements against the Nazis. These didn't come into being at once, either.

Where could one find footage of a 'ghetto fight'?

If one would like to view a 'ghetto fight' without participating in one, they need to find footage of it. Ghetto fights are rare and of national historical significance so one should consult the Library of Congress.

This political party was formed to fight against police brutality in the ghetto?

black panther

What political party was formed to fight against police brutality in the ghetto?

Black Panthers

What is the most ghetto movie ever?

Friday, Deffinatly what makes it the most ghetto movie ever is that it takes place in the hood and their is an brutal street fight at the end of the film