

Who discovered gas?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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6y ago

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The Ancient Chinese.

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If your referring to the Gas of (gasoline/petroleum) there is no known discoverer, well over 4000 years ago oil was used for building, lighting (oil lamps) and medicinal purposes. However, Ignacy Lukasiewicz invented the distillation processfor kerosene and this product grew in demand quickly for lighting fuel.

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1d ago

Gas was discovered by ancient Greek philosophers such as Empedocles and Aristotle. They observed that bubbles of gas were released from certain natural sources, such as hot springs, and theorized that it was a distinct form of matter.

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Humphry Davy, an English chemist, is credited with discovering nitrous oxide, the chemical compound commonly known as laughing gas, in 1772.

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We may never know. Whoever first discovered it was probably killed by it. And besides, there are many, many toxic gases out there so it's hard to tell who discovered the first toxic gas and what it was.

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Natural gas was first discovered in ancient times in the region that is now Iran. The gas seeped to the surface through cracks in the ground, where it was used for lighting and heating.

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